Happy Independence Day to all Indians on this prestigious occasion.
15th of August 1947 is very important day for all Indians, On that historical day Indians got freedom from the British. Our team has come up with all new fresh Independence Day wallpapers which reflects great struggle and sacrifices by our freedom fighters, also include 15th august live wallpapers of our national flags, patriotic images, quotes which you can save, share and download wallpaper etc.
On this historic day its our duty to remember our freedom fighters and Indian army who is fighting for our country.
To give them honor and showing patriotism download Independence Day wallpaper app and celebrate this day.
(1) Easily Navigate With Tab
(2) HD Quality Wallpaper
(3) Image Display With Category Wise
(4) Recently Added Image Display in Latest Tab
(5) Image Change with Swiping finger
(6) Image Change with next and previous button
(7) Even Image Change in Device Shake
(8) Auto Play and Stop Mode
(9) Add to Favorite Mode
(10) Favorite Image Display Seperate
(11) Image Share with your friends and on social networks
(12) Image Save in device Photo Library
(13) Check Network Availability